It’s not only the state motto of the state in which I was born, it’s the direction life moves, whether you like it or not.
Since we’re along for the ride, may as well do your best to try and guide the direction toward better outcomes, yeah?
I’ve never been able to determine whether my existence carries with it, a blessing or a curse. Things these last few weeks have been, well ‘interesting’ – as they say in these parts. (When you want to remark on the state of the situation without passing judgment).
The fates, karma, a higher power – never quite seem to get enough of throwing new curveballs at me. Even as I write all this down. Phone rings. Curveball. Process begins again.
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been launched into a torrent of appreciation for my particular skill set and brand of ‘geek’. It’s been pretty cool to know that I hadn’t ceased to exist in the AEC sphere. I was starting to wonder, but while actively avoiding the “what does it all mean” thoughts that cause spin-outs.
It’s like the industry suddenly popped awake and decided that I might be a good person to talk to. The trickle of possible gigs widened to a flow, and now it’s becoming something that there aren’t enough hours in the day to fend off. Notifications galore on new connections and possible leads fill my screen. I wish this was something that I’d had in front of me a year ago, but honestly, I’m grateful to have it at all.
In the last 2 weeks, I managed to go from 2-3 interviews in a year, to turning 3 interviews into 3 job offers and unleashing another batch of life decisions. (Still things I’ll be wrestling with regardless of my decision).
The day before my third and last interview in the series, my internet goes haywire.
This is a rare occurrence, as it’s typically pretty stable – but presents a potential issue. After over 6 hours of battling with my modem, and chatting with a couple of different techs, it got smoothed out and brought back to function. I made it thru the interview, talked too much again, but things went well. Solid firm, good client base, and the position would offer certain freedoms that have been missing from other postings.
Forty-five minutes after the interview on Monday – total chaos.
The modem just freaked out and refused to cooperate any longer. No amount of resetting would bring it back to life. In the midst of a rather large decision to be made, I’d lost the ability to do what I do best. Research the ever-loving hell out of something to come to a reasoned decision. Plus, tinkering with ideas and typing things out is how I organize thoughts.
The local ISP store – CLOSED. They’re only open to appointment-based visits. Getting on the tech schedule for a home visit was going to take longer than “right this minute” and it was already around 11 pm. I needed a solution. I ordered a new modem off Amazon with next-day delivery.
In the interim, I swapped everything over to cellular and grabbed the GEN 1 iPad Pro to navigate incoming emails and help figure out a solution. My tech stack has taken a hit during my unemployment as I’ve frozen spending and off-loaded bills… so it’s overdue for a refresh.
Amazon missed the delivery. My quickest path toward resolving this was going to take a day longer than anticipated. I wasn’t totally down, but I couldn’t even control the lighting in my studio, because everything is run off HomeKit. Oops.
So here I am with a large decision to ponder, corresponding solely off an iPad that requires being plugged in to operate, and PILES of research that I wish to do. I’ve logged several miles a day pacing the apartment according to my trusty watch.
The modem arrived yesterday afternoon. Sweet relief right? Well…
I start hooking everything up, and my new 2 Gb Nighthawk is everything you’d want – just as long as I plugged directly into it. My Airport base stations were NOT having it. I still couldn’t get online. In the middle of a reset, one of them gave up the ghost completely. No more orange light. The funeral for that will be this weekend.
Now, I needed a functioning router and at a minimum another ethernet port to run my office stack. PC, Printer, 3D print station & over to the TV. All hard-wired for speed… My options are to either that or take the “L” on the modem and head into the ISP office or continue to solve my problem. ISP office is closed (again), so it was an easy decision to make.
Once I got everything plugged back in, routed, and re-sorted things settled back. IF you have a WiFi modem, or modem/router combo – the Netgear setup up apps are pretty cool. It went fairly smoothly. Everything connected to the system gets a scan, and an on/off switch for access to the network. I could see how parents would appreciate that for kids on their 4th “another 15 minutes” on their game. It’s a pretty big stick to wield when you’ve got their web access on your phone.
Until last I’ve used my Airport Extremes with the MacBook running the show for a solid 8-10 years and they’ve been good performers. Lasting well beyond Apple’s desire to maintain that product line.
Despite adding a little to my debt pile – I’m back in business. Literally.
I’ve binge-watched the West Wing more than a few times, and one of my favorite vehicles used in the writing is the question “What’s Next?”
It creates a benchmark. Recognition of a situation that has been dealt with in whatever means was called for, while simultaneously kicking the door open to another opportunity (or crisis as the case may be).
I’ve had the employment blues (again), I’ve had the fight with technology, and I’ve been hard-pivoted off things that I wished to accomplish because some of them require a running start.
It’s all been quite the chapter in this little life of mine. I’m on the cusp of making a solid decision to get back into the architecture game, while still growing this endeavor as well. I need to build a network of career growth as a bundled cable and not a single wire.
My hope is that having a place to apply my approach to the chaos of career will help develop a path forward, instead of throwing up roadblocks to career growth as an architect.
I’ve also slowly waded into engaging in conversations rather than parking myself at the fringes. I’m the quiet guy. I’ll join a board or a slack channel and hang out until I feel comfortable enough to admit some shortcomings and start asking questions to change that. Well – no longer. Join, announce and see what comes of it.
Its part of this whole paradigm shift that’s happened as a result of being cut off from normal communication about what’s happening in the industry, and I don’t plan on ceasing any of it whether I end up with a paycheck or not.
The ultimate goal here is to create that “Hybrid Office” that’s all the rage these days (I had no idea that’s what I was doing 10 years ago). I don’t wish to have my livelihood tied to a single source of income. I didn’t the last time all this happened either. Revisiting the experience wasn’t necessary, but it has solidified my efforts moving forward.
I’ve got solid potential in front of me, whether it be an office work environment or a completely remote situation – any one of these choices will provide an outlet for what drives me in the practice of architecture. It’s such a great “problem” to have, but proceeding with optimistic caution.
I wish that everyone who reads this is blessed with a similar situation, while exploring just how to guide things as we all move forward thru whatever this life has become for you lately. Reach out, say hello – my name is in a lot more places now.
As always, I’ll be over here (or there) – Making Stuff.
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