client: New Orleans Public Library System

employer: MSR Design (formerly MS&R, Ltd) Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle

role: Project Architect | Designer | Modeling & Rendering

year: 2008

renderings& video: mrlw 

In 2008, as part of a full audit and master plan of the New Orleans Public Library system  – we developed an expansion sample library for presentation during their library conference. MS&R hosted the event at their offices – so we made presentation boards, and burned CDs of the video presentation for the entire project. 

The video was pulled together in a software called Photo -to-Movie which allowed panning across photos in the ‘Ken Burns’ style. Nowadays you can pull that off with a simple add-in. 

We fast-tracked a design based on each region and in this case – the jazz musicians that came from the neighborhood were celebrated to make each branch a node of the history of the neighborhood that it served. 

Using AutoCAD to stick-build the model, Sketchup and 3D Studio for renderings & Photoshop for graphics and post-rendered fixes. 

In 2008, as part of a full audit and master plan of the New Orleans Public Library system  – we developed an expansion sample library for presentation during their library conference. MS&R hosted the event at their offices – so we made presentation boards, and burned CDs of the video presentation for the entire project. 

The video was pulled together in a software called Photo -to-Movie which allowed panning across photos in the ‘Ken Burns’ style. Nowadays you can pull that off with a simple add-in. 

We fast-tracked a design based on each region and in this case – the jazz musicians that came from the neighborhood were celebrated to make each branch a node of the history of the neighborhood that it served. 

Using AutoCAD to stick-build the model, Sketchup and 3D Studio for renderings & Photoshop for graphics and post-rendered fixes. 


The video that was  produced, found its way to be broadcast on local New Orleans news stations.

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