In the midst of establishing a design language for the retooling of the America’s Brand for Radisson – this package was developed for presentation and distribution for a Hospitality Conference in spring of 2019.
The prototype was developed as a ‘base model’ package for presentation and distribution after the conference. This package contained two alternates for guest services & amenities – both with and without added meeting spaces, indoor pool and ball room.
Within this same timeframe, there were 4 other live remodeling projects underway around the U.S. using the design language developed for the prototype for application in existing locations.
The overall prototype was developed with a plug ‘n play program – to either support the Base-level customer services OR the expanded additional features like a Ball Room + Catering & Indoor Pool.
Base Project Development was performed with 180 Keys & a 70% King : 30% QQ Ratio. Vertical Circulation, Accessible + Hearing Impaired Units & Laundry / BOH Services included in the prototype development. The overall prototype was also developed with construction types in mind. Either fully framed with structural steel OR Type V (wood framing) over Type I for maximum adaptability to specific regions & methodologies
Rendered images provided for this project are provided by Lifang CG as linked above. Additional images included were graphically modified from the document set I produced for Radisson’s distribution to future developers.
As was the case for all of my hospitality projects – I was responsible for Design, BIM development & documentation of the prototype project, and developed all BIM components & schedules contained in this, and subsequent Radisson projects.