As part of a team working with HoK S+T team, Zimmerman design the Multi-phase ‘Interdisciplinary Research Center’ (IRC) or later renamed to ‘Wisconsin Institutes of Medical Research’ (WIMR). Phase I development was to begin with the first tower and base for the second. Currently the center has the first and second towers completed with the third tower left to be completed.
My position on this team, was developing the multi-phase model, producing portions of the documents and because of my experience with the development of Architectural Desktop and 3D Studio – producing rendered documents of the facility.
One of the aerial renderings that I composited into a photograph was actually blown up to poster size, framed and given to the dean.
Other Responsibilities
Because of my background with standards and development, one of the things that I accomplished was re-writing the parameters within AutoCAD in order to tag and schedule items to the University of Milwaukee drawing standard. If anyone has worked on University projects – this is a non-trivial exercise.
I managed to get on the radar of the area AutoDesk training and development team by accomplishing that task.